Monday, July 26, 2010

We're beginning to see progress :o)

See how stunted our corn is, typically by now it's at least 5 ft tall. Although shorter it has tassels and ears.
Pole beans with bush beans in the background
Closest to the hoop house are cape gooseberries, to the left millet, late carrots and peppers( odds and ends) and to the very far left carrots in one of our raised beds.
Rosemary, these we had to purchase, although I did get two to germinate, but they are still tiny and planted in the greenhouse to give them a better chance.
Finally it is coming along!
The sunflowers self seeded themselves as did poppys into our herb beds, so we left them and it's all quite beautiful. :o)
Potatoes, beginning to die back and we have nice looking spuds, I peeked, *wink*
Our fryers, looking for some garden goodies. They get some of the extra greens and weeds pulled and thinning from the garden, so they watch us carefully when we're out in the garden, LOL!
Cabbage is looking good, need to sprinkle the heads with DE to ward off damage from cabbage worms. We did loose 4 plants to what I think was a cutworm, but we'll still have plenty for making kraut :o)
The inside tomatoes, peppers( on the right behind the potted maters) and to the left are eggplants, sweet peppers and late tomatoes. It won't be long and we'll have pink egg tomatoes to eat and the other tomato plants are setting on nice sized fruit too.
Eggplant only one growing so far but several blooms on each plant, so I'm hopeful.
Banana pepper
Green peppers are coming along nicely and seem to enjoy the warmth of the hoop house.
                                         Pink egg tomatoes, beginning to change their color, maybe by weeks end we'll have them to add to our salads, Ummmm, Ummmm. Cucumbers have set on fruit, as have the zucchini, so salads will have a bigger variety to choose from*wink*   The bush beans are going to have beans to harvest late this week and the corn has set on tiny ears. :o)

                                        Still busy catching up, irrigating, collecting the last of our firewood and getting it split and stacked, plus all the regular chores and endless projects we hope to complete before bad weather hits. So..... we will post as we find the time, until them blessings for your summer!


V.L. Locey said...

Great gardening pics, thanks for sharing!

Mama Mess said...

Beautiful! Such a lot of work and you have a gorgeous garden! It is funny for me to think that you are just now getting the fruits of your labors and a lot of my stuff is almost done! You probably don't get a very large window of good weather though huh?

Glad you found time to post and God Bless!!

Faith said...

Looks amazing, as always, Kelle. You must work like crazy. Love you eggplants!


Cheryl said...

Your garden looks wonderful. I have never heard of pink egg tomatoes, they sound interesting. Praying someday soon we will have a place in the country again so I can have a bigger garden and try new things again.

Modern Day Redneck said...

Glad to see you back. I hope the rest was a good one but It does not look like you did any relaxing tho. I was really missing the garden pics.I am so jealous.

small farm girl said...

I am so glad to hear from you again! Your garden is looking so nice. Ours is not doing so good. The worst I've ever had.

Tonia said...

Pink Egg Tomatoes??? Thats one I havent seen! It looks good!!

Anonymous said...

Your garden is so pretty and green and it looks pretty weed free. I know thats impossible but your rows are nice and clean! I love the PinK Egg Tomatoes! never seen or heard of them before! I like!...debbie

HossBoss said...

Your garden looks great ...makes me want to go out and work on mine. Oh, wait's 9:45pm, too dark. We have a long season in Texas. A mixed blessing. The spring garden is about done. We're still canning a few stragglers and prepping for the fall planting. Prepping mostly involves weeding ...the weeds enjoy our long growing season as much as the veggies.

Michaela Dunn Leeper said...

So happy to see a post from you! I've missed you!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Thank you :o)

Thank you for your compliments, it has to be a passion, otherwise it would be to much work*wink* You are right our window isn't very big. We can safely plant cold weather crops in early to mid may and don't trust planting anything else much until the end of May beginning of June. We've had frost here as early as mid Aug. but typically not until mid to end of Sept.

Many, many hours a day are spent in the garden chopping out weeds, watering and now we are beginning to harvest and preserve. :o) The eggplants are fun, but I am the only one who'll eat them, although Cortney said she'd try some*wink* I forgot they have spines/ thrones.

Thank you for your compliment. Pink egg tomatoes, well..... lets see I origally ordered them from Baker Creek seeds and have been saving seed ever since. They are a bit larger than a cherry tomato and vey mild flavored, great for salads or just as a cold treat to pop into your mouth :o)

Gardening is relaxing to me, it gives me lots of time to think, pray and enjoy all of nature( except the bindweed and misquitoes,LOL!) Glad to be back, I enjoyed having free time to read everyone elses blogs and not have to worry about loading up things for mine( I'm techno challenged*wink*)Your garden plots are looking great and I love your rainwater collectors.

Our garden looks okay now just to get it to produce enough before we get frost*sigh* It loos as though we'll have cucumbers, zukes and bush beans by the weekend*YEAH!* I have a ham bone and we're all waiting for the first annual pot of fresh green beans, new potatoes, onions, garlice and hambone, simmered to perfection, Ummmm, Ummmm. :o)

I've had the chance to enjoy your blog in my time off. Sorry about your puter problems. As always love your pictures, especially of the grandchildren :o)
The rows only stay weed free for 10 minutes max! No kidding we go through chopping bindweed with our hoes and when you turn arouns to look you'll see new ones popping up their ugly heads LOL!!! The pink egg tomatoes are fun, as are our White Tomesol( and they are snow white),the green zebra( yellow and green stripped) and Black Prince( dark red, almost brownish color but a wonderful rich flavor). I wish more people would try the heritage veggies, they'd be surprized at all the different flavors, textures and colors. :o)

Thank you for your compliment. I have a friend who lives in Kirbyville, TX and she has shared that their Spring gardens are wrapped up and they are preparing for Fall gardening. They are also praying the no hurricanes come and blow in the oil and all the chemicals*sigh*
Glad we only have the season we have, I'd most likely not like gardening much if I didn't get the break of winter to get me eager to go again.( crazy I know*wink*)LOL!!! I do REALLY love to grow things, it is a hobby I guess you'd say and PTL I've been blessed with a green thumb!

Glad you missed me, been reading your blog, writting down some recipes, the ones I never had time to write down when you posted them. *wink* We're just cmoing into our harvest time( you kow this too!) so posts will be off and on when we have time :o)

Thank you all for your comments and those of you who comment in other languages I just can't figure out how to convert them to English, so if you are so inclined maybe you could convert them before posting, then I'll publish them, thank you and blessings.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...
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Lois Evensen said...

What a lot of work! Your garden is gorgeous.

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