Thursday, May 6, 2010

Moisture..... in the time released form

When we got up at 5:45 am this is what it looked like outside.

This is just a half hour or so later, and it's still snowing!

The hoop house had some build up on it because it is not heated, so Mike graciously went out at 6am and tapped from the inside to get it to slide down.
This at 7am and I'd just come in from tapping again on the inside of the hoop house to get the snow to slide off. It's still snowing, harder than at 6am.

This is at 6am, showing the snow accumulation and it is VERY moisture laden, which we need!

Here's what it looked like an hour later at 7am and again it's still snowing, harder than at 6am.

Poor Addy still hasn't calved and I'm praying she continues to hold off. This snow is only supposed to last today then it's fore casted to begin clearing off tomorrow and back into the mid to high 50'sF.

Well, the house needs cleaning and I have some organizational projects that need to be done, so..... today is a good day to get them done.

In preparation for this moisture, Cortney and I did get our potatoes planted, 138 hills of a mix of Russet and Caribe. We also got a few more flowerbeds cleaned out, baked our weekly bread, finished washing bedding and hanging it out, regular chores( barns cleaned, feeding, exercising the lambs, etc....) and fixed our pork chops and a few shrimp( for Cortney and myself), green bean, macaroni and cheese and leftover apple crisp ala'mode for dessert   :o)

May your day be filled with blessings  :o)


Mama Mess said...

Ahhhh! Girl, I can't imagine having snow like that in MAY!!

Tonia said...

I do believe I would CRY if I looked out my window and saw Snow in May!! So glad I live a little farther south!

Faith said...


It's going to be 90 here.

Sure makes you appreciate the summer, I'll bet. Whew!

And what a great thing for you to have a greenhouse!


Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Thanks Ladies! If this had happened 5 yrs ago I would have been very upset, but as I've aged I've learned that I have NO control over the weather, so why let it ruin my day. Besides, God give gardeners these breaks so we can catch up on cleaning the house*wink*

It's stopped snowing and the sun is shining, so it won't be long and the snow will be melted and we'll be able to watch everything grow. :o)

Barbara said...

WOW did it hurt your crops sweetie?
Just unreal this time of year, and like Faith in the 90 here, praying all is well there for you, hugs Barbara

Bob from Athens said...

Every once in a while I start wondering why I moved south, thanks for the reminder.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Nope nothig hurt, didn't get cold enough to frost anything, but tonight is going to come close. Praying our plums, cherry and apple tree blossoms don't freeze. Sunshine forecasted for the weekend :o)

Bob from Athens,
You are welcome :o) Snow doesn't usually upset me, unless I have to drive on bad roads. It's the sub zero temps.+ windchill I dislike and still for the short period of time we have to put up with it, it's a far cry from all the tornadoes, flooding, hurricanes, earthquakes that other states suffer year round. Thanks but I think I'll keep my feet firmly planted here in MT :o)

small farm girl said...

You need some warmer weather up there!!!!! Enough already! lol

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