Thursday, May 6, 2010

Before and After, Then and Now

Amazing how in just a matter of 12+ hours things change. We ended up with 7-8" of wet snow, but as you'll see in the after photos, taken at 7pm, most of the snow has already soaked in, YEAH!!!!  Now if we can get some sunshine, we'll really see things come to life!

An added bonus, tonight when Cortney was out collecting eggs and we were getting the chicks in their coop( they are still learning*sigh*) Cortney noticed Mo, our horse, acting up and looking toward the bottom of our property, so she took a look and....... she saw......... our bear cub from last Fall!  She wasn't sure it was exactly the same bear, but she said it was brown and fairly large. It went over the edge of our property and swam across the river.  Now we'll be back to locking up the animals before dark and praying the bear moves on to a less populated area.


jamjar said...

A Bear!?! I'll be praying with you! I'm still shocked about your snow and then a neighbor told me that we are supposed to get snow May 10 (according to almanac). We'll see!

V.L. Locey said...

Ugh, so much snow. Bears are pretty common in our neck of the woods-NC PA-my mother-in-law takes her bird feeders in nightly so save them from raids from bears.

Faith said...

Isn't that something when you seem to go from one season to the next. Spring is always full of surprises, and down here was no exception. We did the same thing, only not quite so much snow. We were having weeks where we'd go from a couple of inches of snow to an 80 degree day.

I always mean to plant grass seed on the snow, it's supposed to really draw the seed down into the soil when it melts, as well as being easy to see how thickly you've spread the seed.

It's nice to have a bear sighting, but I'm with you. I hope he moves on.


small farm girl said...

Be careful! I don't want Cortney to have to post on here that you were eaten by a bear. lol

Anonymous said...

I saw on the weather channel where Montana and surrounding states were to get snow, but had no idea you'd get THAT much! Loved seeing the difference. Really makes a difference! Isn't it odd a bear so close to humans? I hope he stays away and finds a lot to eat across the River. That's way to close. Guess he would like some of your foul! Good luck...debbie

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

If you do get snow we'll pray it is like what we received and pretty well soaked in by the end of the day*wink*
Yes, we had a sighting of not just any bear yearling but a grizzly yearling. I'm worried about our animals, not so much us, we always have the dogs with us so they's warn us.

Feral Female,
Anything goes in our neck of the woods too, but I do however worry with a calf on the way and two lambs here for another month or so. They are fun to watch, from a distance. We've also had a young bull moose here as well as deer, coons, skunk, multiple birds, duck, eagles, hawks and owls. Hey we even saw a tame white goose traveling with a flock of Canada geese, we've seen that two seasons in a row!

We had grass seed to spread in the bottom of the front pasture, but due to all the wind it didn't get done*sigh* It would have been wonderful to have this moisture to get it going.
Only thing I worry about is the animals, a calf on the way and the lambs.

Thank you for your comments and blessing for your weekend :o)

Tonia said...

Once again.... I am GLAD I live in Missouri!! lol I would be a nervous wreck if i had to worry about bears too!!
To funny about the white goose!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

You must have posted as I was commenting back.
Nope, Cortney doesn't have to worry about Mom, I'm to tough and old for a bear's taste*wink*, LOL!!! If it does begin to hang around to much we'll be calling Fish, Wildlife and Parks and if they refuse to do anything it will be a case of SSS. For now I'll give it the benefit of doubt.

The ole sayin' around here is; "If you don't like the weather in Montana wait a few hours!"
The bear is rather large, Mike went down and found tracks in the mud, so we're thinking it's the same bear as last Fall, which we( Mike, Cortney, myself and my Dad) as well as the neighbors( who'd also seen it up close) agreed it was a grizzly yearling.

You can bet that if it imposes any threat to our animals or us it will be taken care of.
Although we've not personally seen it we've had a mountain lion in our area as well, now that frightens me more than a bear, for whatever reason.
The white goose is twice as large as the Canada geese but they seem to have adopted her, we've not seen any white goslings though. I hope they come back again this summer. :o)

Judy said...

Oh no...snow and a bear. I don't know which is worse :)
I hope your animals stay safe until it's gone and I'm glad for you that the snow melted so fast.

Farmgirl Cyn said...

So, it was like a nice rain, but of the frozen variety!

Nicole Slater said...

Hey! This looks just like the pictures I took. You can see them on my blog-
The sun finally came out today which was very welcomed after almost 2 weeks of rain and snow.
Nice to know we aren't the only ones who are getting this snow!

Lynn Bartlett said...

You certainly did have more snow than we did! Hopefully we won't be getting any more this season, but we did have some yesterday morning as well.

We've had reports of cougars here, and one time our oldest was walking through the woods to the mailbox and came across cougar tracks. From then on we made him take the driveway! We took some photos, and those were some big prints. The oldest son of a family a mile north of us was chased up a tree by a bear the first year we were here ... It was written up in the paper. And, we do have moose, too, but didn't see a single one this winter. I don't know where they disappeared to.

Can't wait for the announcement of a new calf on your farm! Our Angus steer got out again today, and it took most of the morning to corral him again. They are so strong! That's the news from our neck of the woods!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelle!

I have been meaning to ask you, what elevation are you sitting at?

There is no doubt your weather is challenging to grow in! ~grin~

Be safe!


Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

We are at 4,168 ft. Yes challenging and it seems more so these days as our weather pattern has changed over the last few years; to a wetter cooler climate. Last summer we only had a handful of days in the high 90's to 100F and before this shift the whole month of Aug and into Sept were well into the 90's and low 100F.
This is one reason we decided to bite the bullet and build the hoop house, to extend our season and offer a more controlled enviroment :o)
Thanks for commenting,please comment anytime.

A Farmstead Pilgrimage... said...

Thanks for the information, Kelle!

Oh, and best wishes to you and your family on the 'new addition'! She's a cutie!

Kris @ A Farmstead Pilgrimage

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