Monday, May 17, 2010

Seed companies supplied by Monsanto

Some info I already knew, had saved and now is found again. Unfortunately this won't help you this season in your seed choices, but save the info. for future reference.

PS. I've added a comment below from Johnny's, as the article says "owned by Monsanto", they would like this correction added, they are NOT owned by Monsanto, but do have seeds supplied by Seminis, in which they kindly shared a list with us. Please read their comment below.

Here is an interesting post on Seed companies supplied by monsanto. If you think it is relevant please pass it on to the growing food and justice list serve.

Recently on a gardening forum in which I participate, a list of various seed companies now owned by Monsanto was posted. I was so shocked to discover Territorial Seeds on the list that I immediately wrote to them to ask if it was true... As it turns out, while Territorial continues to be owned
privately, by Tom & Julie Johns, one of their seed suppliers, Seminis, is in fact owned by Monsanto. Over the course of my correspondence with staff from Territorial, they provided me with a list of the seeds currently purchased by Seminis, which I have attached. And I was told that the owners are 'considering' whether or not to continue using Seminis as a vendor.

I'm sending this information out in the hopes that *you'll* consider writing to Territorial Seeds to request they terminate their relationship with Seminis, as well as expressing support for them as a company you'd continue to buy seeds from in the future. I can't express enough how important it is for those of us who are dedicated to food security, and the ongoing availability of good, local, organic produce, to do whatever we can to prevent Monsanto from colonizing our primary sources of seed. Toward that end, I'm also posting the list of companies owned by Monsanto for your
review, in case you find others whose seeds you've bought.

* Territorial Seeds
* Totally Tomato
* Vermont Bean Seed Co.
* Burpee
* Cook's Garden
* Johnny's Seeds (Ben said...

You've posted some false information here. Johnny's Selected Seeds is not owned by Monsanto.
We do carry some varieties which are supplied by Seminis, a Monsanto subsidiary. We are in the process of eliminating these products and will do so as we find suitable replacements.)
Here are the products and product part numbers:
224 FREMONT cauliflower
240 HANSEL eggplan
241 GRETEL eggplant
568 BISCAYNE pepper
642 DULCE pepper
733 CELEBRITY tomatoes
2038 KING ARTHUR pepper
2063 BIG BEEF tomatoes
2212 PRIZEWINNER pumpkin
2260 FAIRY TALE eggplant
2309 X3R RED KNIGHT pepper
2365 ORANGE SMOOTHIE pumpkin
2368 PATTY GREEN TINT summer squash
2894 SERRANO DEL SOL pepper
2954 CHEDDAR cauliflower
2991 CANDY onion
122 BEAUFORT tomatoes
2794 GERONIMO tomatoes
2700 MAXIFORT tomatoes
2373 TRUST tomatoes
Thank you.
Ben Sturtevant / Web marketing and PR coordinato
Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Phone: 1-207-861-3900, ext. 298
May 27, 2010 10:51 AM

* Earl May Seed
* Gardens Alive
* Lindenberg Seeds
* Mountain Valley Seed
* Park Seed
* T&T Seeds
* Tomato Growers Supply
* Willhite Seed Co.
* Nichol's
* Rupp
* Osborne
* Snow
* Stokes
* Jungs
* R.H. Shumway
* The Vermont Bean Seed Company
* Seeds for the World
* Seymour's Selected Seeds
* Roots and Rhizomes
* McClure and Zimmerman Quality Bulb Brokers
* Spring Hill Nurseries
* Breck's Bulbs
* Audubon Workshop
* Flower of the Month Club
* Wayside Gardens
* Park Bulbs
* Park's Countryside Garden

And one final thing: here's a link to another seed company, Fedco, who posted information on their website about their own decision to forgo using Seminis any longer once they had been purchased by Monsanto:
Fedco Seeds - The Monsanto Debate/Monsanto Buys Seminis


Anonymous said...

Baker Creek Heirloom Seed Company is who I buy my seed from.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this very important information! It IS shocking! I've seen many bloggers recommending Johnny's seeds, so I was surprised to hear about them.

My supplier is here in Canada, Greta's Organic Gardens, outside of Ottawa. Her's are non-GMO, open-pollinated, and organic.

Also, Heirloom Seeds, from West Finley, PA seems to be good.

Teresa said...

wow, so many I use. UGH! thank you for posting this, I will be more aware next year!

Farmgirl Cyn said...

They (Monsanto) want it all, don't they? Like the evil villain in a super hero movie. Control of the world's food...that's their goal.

Nekkid Chicken said...

aaaaaaah just wonderful! Thanks for the information.

What I don't like about Monsanto, if seed blow into a farmer's field they can sue for using their product. I also hate the idea of 'patenting of seeds or genes.' What a mess our society is getting into with the greed factor at play.

small farm girl said...

Thanks for the list. I will keep this for next year. It should come in very handy. I see a lot of these seed companies are very popular. Sad.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but it's better to be informed I always say.

I too have ordered from a few, like Jungs for our fruit trees and Gardens Alive, that is until I discovered this info.
98% of my seeds we save and the ones I do purchase year to year are beets, cabbage, turnips and spinach and htese I buy locally here in MT from a lady in Belgrade, MT her store is called Fisher Seeds and I've been there and seen her gardens and trust me she doesn't use any weed killers or manmade chemicals. I also got some Russet seed potatoes from her, but I'm not entirely sure she grew them or she ordered them in from someplace else, I plan on asking her next year before I order.

I originally ordered my seeds from Baker Creek, back 7 yrs ago, this will be our 8th season of saving seeds :o)

Unknown said...

A few weeks ago I ordered a DVD from Netflex..It was a documentary about about this wicked company...I could not believe what this company is doing to small farmers who spent years building their own seed supply up..And Monsanto came on there land and tested and found their seeds in this farmers land...what happened is the wind blows some the farmer is practically bankrupt and the courts sided with Monsanta...It sent shivers down my spine..Of course all the seeds I have are from some on the list..Is there any way that you can list the good ones...I am going to try and search myself..Very scary. I can not believe they can have a pantent on seeds like that..Lisa

The Craftivist said...

Thank you for posting this. I recognize several of these as seeds I've purchased at least in the past so it's good to have a list like this so it's clear to see who to stay away from. Monsanto and their evil little minions are trying to take over every aspect of seed production and farming in this country.

Jeannetta said...

Thanks so much for this! Territorial is just down the road from me, I'll be writing and going in person to show my support for them dropping Monsanto products.

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing this!! The only company's on the list I've ordered from in the past is T&T and Stokes, although it's been a long time.
Most of the seeds I buy now are heirlooms and I try to save a lot of seeds.

Michaela Dunn Leeper said...

Last year I made the decision to go with Baker Creek and ONLY Baker Creek. Last year I ordered MOSTLY from Baker Creek. This year my seeds came from them alone.

Kelle, do you mind if I copy this whole post to my blog with a link back to you?

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

You are welcome and that is why I posted it for future reference for everyone.

Yes, they are an evil company and don't be fooled they want to control the entire food supply, animals included. I think I've seen this movie on You Tube.
I have ordered 99% of my seed from Baker Creek and the remainder I order locally from a lady here in MT, who I know grows her own seed, non GMO and doesn't use manmade chemicals of any sort. I do have a question on her spuds though, I'll ask her myself and she'll answer honestly I know.
At this time I don't have time to put together a list of good companies, maybe something I could work in in late Fall early winter though.
Thanks for your comment and hope to see you back :o)

You are welcome! I've become skeptical of seed companies I've not delt with and if I am interested I call and ask specific questions and if they say they don't know I ask if someone does, if now I throw their cataloge in the wood stove.
I'm so glad the Lord lead us toward saving seeds, because we are so far ahead of the game now and Monsatan(my name for them)has no hold over us and nor will they ever.

Would you let me know what they say, please. When I got their cataloge for the firsttime two years ago, I called and was very disappointed in their lack of knowledge and their attitude quite frankly, so filed their cataloge in the fire.

Homestead Mommy,
Isn't it a blessing to already be into the routine of saving seeds, I sure think it is and as I said earlier I too have ordered from Jungs( fruit trees) and Gardens Alive( until I found out they are actually owned by Monsanto, as is Gurney's. You have to be on top of everything now a days, you can't even trust Organic or All Natural, unless you know the source or grow it yourself.

Hello and thank you for you links and info. Every bit helps, especially those just starting out.

You bet feel free to post it and you don't need to put a link back to me, I found this somewhere online several months back and I didn't give credit, because I actually don't recall where it was I found it*wink*
Educating about what lengths Monsatan will go to is good enough for me. I just want to see them taken down!

Unknown said...

Great post, I hate to admit how many of these I have supported, I won't again.

Michaela Dunn Leeper said...

Laura, territorial was one of my big ones that I ordered from. I'm in the same boat! This will be my 2nd year, seriously learning how to save me own seed. Of course, you guys didn't hear that, LOL

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Feel free to contact the companies you've done business with and let them know why you will not support ro do business with them. If they get enough calls and letters maybe they'll follow Fedco Seeds, in not buying seed from Monsanto. This is how we're all going to stop this monster company for continuing it's evil plot to control the food supply. :o)

Sonja said...

Thank you! This is a very informative post and I just found your blog! I would love to see the list of seeds that Territorial is buying, but couldn't see the attachment. Hope you can direct me to it.

Unknown said...

You've posted some false information here. Johnny's Selected Seeds is not owned by Monsanto.

We do carry some varieties which are supplied by Seminis, a Monsanto subsidiary. We are in the process of eliminating these products and will do so as we find suitable replacements.

Here are the products and product part numbers:

224 FREMONT cauliflower
240 HANSEL eggplan
241 GRETEL eggplant
568 BISCAYNE pepper
642 DULCE pepper
733 CELEBRITY tomatoes
2038 KING ARTHUR pepper
2063 BIG BEEF tomatoes
2212 PRIZEWINNER pumpkin
2260 FAIRY TALE eggplant
2309 X3R RED KNIGHT pepper
2365 ORANGE SMOOTHIE pumpkin
2368 PATTY GREEN TINT summer squash
2894 SERRANO DEL SOL pepper
2954 CHEDDAR cauliflower
2991 CANDY onion
122 BEAUFORT tomatoes
2794 GERONIMO tomatoes
2700 MAXIFORT tomatoes
2373 TRUST tomatoes

Thank you.

Ben Sturtevant / Web marketing and PR coordinator
Johnny’s Selected Seeds
Phone: 1-207-861-3900, ext. 298 | Email:

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

I'll look to see if I have the list, if not feel free to contact Territorial Seeds and ask for their list.

I stand corrected and apologize. The article, was one I saved for future reference and was NOT written by me. I also didn't contact each company because I really didn't focus on the statement "owned by" but rather "supplied by", either way I was wrong.
Thank you for adding the seeds that Johnny's is supplied with from Seminis, this will help those wanting to avoid doing any business with Monsanto, to make the better choice.
I added the your information and comment to the main article, I hope this helps to set things straight.

Robb@MVSeeds said...

Hi all,

I work for Mountain Valley Seed and we are not owned by Monsanto and we do not sell ANY GMO seed. We do carry a few products which are purchased from Seminis, which is owned by Monsanto but this is a very small percentage of our offering. We try to support as many small independent growers as possible.

Best wishes,


Unknown said...

Love the list - yes, we'll be making changes for next year as well. As long as Monsterano decided to pursue litigating small farms for drift polination (contamination), we are truly focusing all of our efforts on not buying ANYTHING they offer. THANK YOU so much for the list. Johnny's Seeds would do well to get rid of those extras they still have and then market to all of us that they don't support them either.
As a side note, as I was scrolling down, I saw the Fjord!!! We have 7 at the moment, but none doing the hard labor - just teaching kids to ride :-)

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

You are welcome, a few companies have come forward wanting to distance themselves from Monsanto, which is a good sign( at least I think) and a sign of putting that monster company out of business, that is my mission. :o)

Yes,we have a fjord gelding names SatchMo, we call him Mo. He is 8 7 yrs. old and we love him to death. We're looking for a match for a team, only problem is he is bigger than standard, at the wither he is 15h 3" and we are having trouble locating one more local to us in location his height. We are still in the training stages when it comes to driving him, but he does great. We have a forecart we're revamping to fit him and then hope to train with this cart in hopes of buying a buckboard or small wagon.
Love your pictures, I see your fjord( the one pictured with you and family) is a keeper( puts on weight easily*wink) We have to really work to keep Mo in shape and right now he is flabby and a bit overweight.
Look forward to seeing more pictures of your fjords and reading your blog. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. :o)

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