Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A must watch video for those who want to know......

what to expect in the coming months and years.


small farm girl said...

Thank you Kelle!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this. Some of the economics in the middle of the film was over my head, though, but I tend to zone out when it comes to anything numeric!

Someone in the film talked about China buying up everything, including gold. My husband sees it everyday in his business. He buys and sells used electrical equipment from plant shutdowns and industrial auctions. The Chinese are buying up everything and dominating the auctions. They can outbid everyone.

Hubby has a business contact who says the Chinese are buying up all the farms in New Brunswick and Quebec, here in Canada...what's up with that?! It's a deliberate, collective move to gain economic clout and influence in the country. My husband says that they don't need to go to war with us to take over, but that they will take us over economically!

Very interesting and sobering!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

You are welcome SFG! Everyone just keeps asking when? I thought this helped give a bit of a time frame for all of us wondering, of course it could happen quicker.

Mrs. T,
I agree I didn't undertand all the economic stats, especially when talking about derivatives and whatnot, because we've never had enough $$ to wrry about gambling in the stock market.

Thanks for insight on what the Chinese are up to on a personally observed level. A wise old rancher once told me years ago that the day would come when there would be a knock on his door and a chinese man would say," This my land, you get off!" I won't tell you what he said would happen to that man, I'm sure you can figure that out*wink*. Seriously he knew over a decade ago that the day would come when China would control us via industry and ownership of our agricultural land. Now we're watching it happen and our political figures could care less
Thanks again for you Dh's insight, the news media of course won't report any of this, so we thus rely on the underground news*wink*.
Blessings for both of you this week,

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