Thursday, February 25, 2010

Take Action with the Grassroots Netroots Alliance

GMO's are out of control! "We the People" NEED to take a stand agains Monsanto, now before it's to late!!!!
Take Action with the Grassroots Netroots Alliance


Thistle Cove Farm said...

Whoever controls the food, controls the people.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Amen and that is their underlying issue here folks, they want to control the food supply worldwide. Monsanto is an evil monster :o(

Hickchick said...

Thanks Kelli for the link -I had meant to send the letter previously but just didn't follow through--Thanks for the info on Fjord's.

Prairie_Locust said...

Yes indeed the control of food is control of people everyone has to eat. It is scary and frustrating that the bulk of society turns a deaf ear to agriculture they have absolutely no idea the impact it has on every person. They go for whatever the powers that be push on them most have the ideaology that un natural seeds and chemically altered livestock production is just fine and is the way to go they are so very wrong. They have no idea how serious this is. This is no doubt so serious it cannot be stressed enough. GOD BLESS

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

You are welcome hick chick!

I totally understand and feel as if I'm screaming it over a roaring tornado and nobody can hear me. It's frustrating, but feel led to keep sharing, at least those who read the info. can't say nobody told them and it is the seed planted*wink*!
Blessings for your weekend,

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