Sunday, February 14, 2010

Off again to a fresh clean start.....

or so the new blanket of snow makes it seem. Yesterday most of the ground was
thawing and muddy with very little snow left, only patches of ice.

Yesterday(Sat.) Cortney and I attended our friends annual sheep shearing. All
total 82 sheep were sheared, including a 300+lb ram. I'm NOT a spinner or weaver
but can however appreciate a beautiful fleece when I see one. Several of us cleaned up
the fleeces and my favorite ones were the brown and grey. Our friend raises Targees
and Romneys, each breed has it's own type of fleece, the Targee(sp?) fleece is lighter
and the Romney fleeces are much heavier.

It was fore casted that we'd get snow and finally about 2:30 pm it began, then by
3pm it was as if a blizzard had set in with a wind coming out of the Northeast
When we woke this morning the picture below shows the amount received.
It's a heavy wet snow, so good moisture content which is a blessing for our pastures
and upcoming gardening season.

If you'd click on this photo, you'll be able to see the steam rising off the river.

This photo was take at 10:30am and our temp was 22F, at 6am the temp

was 0F

This is on top of the cellar and it was glistening like diamonds, didn't

show up in the photo.

Shows how the snow was blown out of the northeast and it was an

interesting photo.
Again was trying to catch the glimmering of the snow, it does show on the

bottom of the bell.

Just a quite Sunday for us, enjoying the crisp clean new snow.

Blessings for your new week :o)


small farm girl said...

Hey Kelle! I always wanted to learn about shearing sheep. I'm interested in the whole knitting process although I don't do it yet.

Your snow pictures are beautiful! Funny how snow can make everything look good.

Your friend


Tonia said...

We got more today.. I am ready for good soaking rains to settle some of this mud!! We are 4wheeling to get in and out of the drive and its not very long..
Beautiful pics though!!

Anonymous said...

Well Kelle, we are just now getting another round of snow. It started at 9:15 am. There patches where you could see nice green grass. Not sure how much we're to get - ho humm...just a month to go and hopefully it will get warmer. Enjoyed your photos! Your fences are so nice and tight!!...debbie

Kat said...

Lovely snow photos. We too woke up to again another snow here in the south. I have not seen so many snow days since I left Ohio 37 years ago!! I am lovin' it and it will be good for our gardens.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

It is interesting and if the shearers know their job they can have a whole sheep sheared in about 3 minutes( I times them) It was all about 6 of us could do to clean up the fleeces, before the next opne was ready to be put on the table. I think needle felting I would be more interested in or possibly weaving, I just don't have the patience to spin.

When this melts our driveway will be a mess too. We NEED to get more gravel down this summer. That is the one aspect of Spring I so dislike, MUD!*sigh*

I know on Sat. we heard that 49 of the 50 states had snow, unbelievable! Sure blows Gore's global warming out of the water, Opps, no we just don't understand the whole issue, I'm sorry No they want us to believe their junk which in truth is ONLY a base for more taxes, pure and simple!
Thanks for noticing our fences, Mike and Jon had drove all of the posts( 4 ft deep), with a driver Mike designed and it weighs approx. 150lbs. Let me tell you they are in to stay! We do have to repull the bottom fenceline, as a beaver took down a tree and it fell, yep in the fence stretching the wire, so now it's loose*sigh*
Stay warm friend and before we all know it it will be 100F*wink*

Glad to hear from you! Still praying for your family. Glad to hear you like the snow, I have never minded the snow. I just don't like the bitter cold and windchills that we get typically in January and when the roads get bad I simply hunker down and stay home( big ole chicken of driving on bad roads*wink*)
It's funny to listen to people complaining about all the snow we've gotten this winter. Let me tell you I remember when I was about 14yrs old and we got our first snow the end of Sept and didn't see bare ground until beginning of May, literally feet of snow that year. To listen to the old timers it was three times that bad when they were kids, and I've read that in MT homesteading stories. All of the technology has made us a bunch of whimps! I've read where even with the cookstove stoked and a potbelly stove in a small cabin it was still so cold that the buckets of water froze 2" thick, inside tha cabin! Now that is cold!
Blessing to each of you for your new week,

Anonymous said...

Kelle, I have awarded your Blog with THE FRIENDLY AWARD, for being friendly, warm and cozy! I love visiting you and have since Dec. 08 when I started mine. check it out...debbie

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