Monday, February 8, 2010

Okay I admit it I've got a case of the..... humdrums! *sigh* I've been taking more time to enjoy our broadband connection and I've realized that there is so much info. out there and most of it I'm simply repeating. Lately I've felt like it's some sort of competition between us bloggers, to see who can have the best looking blog, most exciting information in a week, videos, etc.... That isn't why I started this blog and I realize it's probably just me, but I just feel like I don't want to compete, but instead I just want to tell the story of our simple homestead life. Some of this stems from Spring Fever too! I'm sorry to admit this but I'd MUCH rather be outside digging in the soil, growing and weeding or simply mucking our barns, verses sitting on the computer thinking of what I can blog about that is exciting.

Right now my life is pretty cut and dry, it's just a daily repetition of the same chores and trying to work in a few new projects here and there.

So if there is time between blogs it's because I simply don't have anything worth adding , that all you other bloggers haven't already said so well. I am however enjoying my time, enjoying your blogs*wink*



Anonymous said...

I can so relate to what you're saying! I always think that other blogs have more value than mine, and there are times when I just can't think of much to say. But then there are other times when I come across a poem or an article that I really want to share because it inspires me, and maybe it will bless others too. But I don't think of it as a competition, because we all have something different to contribute, depending on where the Lord has us in our walk with him.

Yes, please just keep it simple. I love to hear what you're doing in your daily life. It's the practical posts that I appreciate: the how-to's of running your home and your farm. It's not dull to me! I can live the homesteading life, vicariously, through you, lol! We're hoping to have our land within the next year, but I have the heart of a homesteader now. Kelle, your posts are a blessing to me and so informative. Please be encouraged, but the "humdrums" do hit me too :-)

Kat said...

I could write about all the mud, but that would be redundent. No compitition from me, I love reading your blog.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Oh, I do know what you mean. Winter is so difficult in terms of physical hardship. I get out in these terrible cold, windy days and my bones simply ache for more days on end.
We're expecting some nasty stuff tomorrow - ice, sleet, high winds, low temps - good days to get chores done quickly and then hunker down inside with knitting, quilting, spinning or some good movies.
Keep the faith, we'll soon have spring.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Mrs. T,
Thank you for your encouragement, I'm not sad just feel as if our life has hit it's yearly slow phase, which btw we are enjoying and resting up for the upcoming months of franticness*wink*
I agree with you, I could have chosen a better word than competition, that isn't how I think of it either. My objective is to help others, as well as learn from others. That is one thing I will stand firm on, you never know it all and if you think you do you are missing out on loads of great info.

Thanks for your comments

Competition wasn't the word I was looking for, I really don't think of it as that, it's just that I see so many blogs posting similar posts, like butchering, making your own soap, bread, candles, etc..... Once you've seen pictures or videos you aren't as apt to particularly want to see them again and again, I hope this explains it better.

Praying for you and your family, hang in there and we'll look forward to seeing your next blog.

Blessings to you both,

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

I too suffer joint pain in my back and the cold definately agitates it. I am thankful that we've only had about a weeks worth of sub zero temps and typically the whole month of Jan. is sub zeros. So... I've really tried not to whine about it this winter.

We've been working on crafts for farmer's market and watching movies, as well as reading books that we've not had time to read.

There is nothing like coming in from the frigid cold to a toasty warm house and even if it isn't toasty, a simple stoking of the stove and it's toasty.

Thank you for sharing and we are holding on til Spring arrives! Today an inside plant, a Gerber Daisy bloomed and another plant is also flowering, so we are being blessed with a sneak preview of Spring.

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