Wednesday, December 2, 2009

It seems to be a case, from one extreme to another.

The last of the Indian Summer skies. A "Canadian Clipper" has hit here
and our temps. from daytime highs of 55-58F and evening lows into the
mid to low 20's to now fore casted daytime temps. into the 20's and
evening temps. into the single digits and sub zero range. This morning,
at 6am. our outside thermometer read; almost -1F, more like -1/2F.

The picture above and the one right below, Cortney took on Tuesday,
late afternoon. Unfortunately her camera isn't good at long distance
photos, but this is a Golden Eagle, that took a breather in one of our
cottonwood trees down along the river.(see picture below) It's simply
amazing just how large, these majestic birds really are. Typically we
we see them in pairs, so this is either a young bird or one who's lost it's
mate, because Cortney didn't see any other Golden Eagle.

Here is a picture of our Christmas tree, without the aid of a flash, it's a
a bit blurred I know. Last year we bought some of those LED light
strings, but this year they have all sorts of shapes and colors too! We
bought four colored strings to add to our white one purchased last yr.
I like these, for two reasons; they don't get hot, so less worry of fire and
they use less than half of the energy that regular strings of lights do. Now
what to do with the regular light strands?

Here it is with the flash working! It is a beautiful tree and Cortney did

much of the decorating while Mike and I did the evening chores. We do

have an artificial tree, but we do enjoy fresh trees better. They make the

whole house smell wonderful.

It is a challenge every Christmas season, making room in our small

living room, but this year Cortney had an idea and it seems to work

better with the couch in front of the bay windows. Instead of the tree by

the middle window of the bay windows and the couch crammed over

where our tree is this year( see above picture) Although when Cortney

is on the couch and Mike and I in our rockers( across from her) Mike

can't see Cortney, the tree hides her*wink*

We did manage a bit of shopping last weekend, now one final trip,

possibly on Sunday and we'll have the few gifts bought that we intended

to buy. Jaymes is getting some clothes, as he's outgrown most of his

4T pants and I picked up a couple cute football( he's crazy over football)

woollies( the pj's with the feet in them). We're looking for a game for him

and a few inexpensive stocking stuffers. Jon and Bobbie asked for a

bassinet. After shopping everywhere, the bassinets I knew of , seem to

be a thing of the past. Now the bassinets are a multi function item, they

look more like a small playpen and they have a place in the top as a


Some even have a portable changing area at one end, music and

vibration to sooth baby. When they've outgrown the bassinet and

moved to a crib, the unit converts into a small playpen, easily folded

down for travel. It's been 18yrs. since I had a baby and things sure

have changed, now I sound like someone OLD, LOL!! We still have

Cortney's big gift to purchase, but we already know who has the best

price, it's now just a matter of going to pick it up. Then a few stocking

stuffers for her as well( she loves card games, CD's or books) Yep,

one final trip and then we won't have to be caught up in the city during

the frenzy of holiday shopping( that's the hermit in me, speaking

now *wink*)


Michaela Dunn Leeper said...

One of these days I'm taking a road trip to your home. You & your home seem so inviting & I would love to take a peek into it all! If I can't get my own poults in the spring, I'll need a turkey anyway, LOL

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

You just let me know and I'll have some goodies ready and waiting. That would be so much fun to actually meet a fellow, like minded blogger*wink* Cortney has been watching Anne of Green Gables series, via PBS and as Anne always says, Kindred spirits.
We'll have some turkeys ready in the Spring, just let me know what you are looking for.
Thanks for commenting and giving me something to look forward to, a chance to possibly meet you in person!


Millie said...

I'd love to hitch a ride with Michaela :-)
I love reading about your farm and your life there.
I'm going into my 'big city' (which is only 8 miles away and really not that big but huge by Wyoming standards) tomorrow. I'm hopeful that I will have enough time to get most of my Christmas shopping done. I ordered a few things online and they are in so I just need to pick them up. I'm not sure what to get the baby yet but since he will not even be one yet my guess is he will be happy with anything.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Consider this an open invite for anyone who is likeminded to visit us, we'd love it! Be sure to keep the bug in Michaela's ear, when the weather shapes back up again. It's something fun to look forward to with winter quickly approaching. See ya in 2010! Let's plan on a light lunch or at least goodies and tea( hot or cold)
Praying your shopping goes well, we still have 3-4 gifts( including stocking stuffers, the rest is homemade items.


Linda said...

Kelle, your tree is beautiful--love the lights! I'm with you--I so much prefer a real tree. We wait till the kids get here then take them out with us to cut our tree--such fun for us all!

We leave tomorrow to go to Phoenix to see Gramma for a few days. We were -12 this morning, but absolutely clear and no sign of snow--we have about 2 inches on the ground, but need at least 2 feet for all our Christmas activities! Can hardly wait for the Gang to arrive! Love this season. Such a wonderful celebration.

small farm girl said...

Your tree is beautiful! Now tell Cortney she can come and decorate mine.

Andora said...

your tree is beautiful!!! I to would like a real tree better,but I put mine up so early that I am afraid to have one..I do floral work,and have a lot of Christmas orders so I have to put my tree up as soon as Thanksgiving is over, because of being to stressed out trying to get everything done..

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