We stopped at several used furniture stores, looking for a trunk or
chest. You see, Mike bought me a cedar hope chest when we were
dating, and as tradition goes I've handed it down to Cortney, although
she physically doesn't have it yet. This is because I need a trunk or chest
to put the treasures I have stored in the hope chest into. I gave the chest
to her this past Spring and she has been patient, but.... does have need
for it as well.
We didn't have much luck in our search, but did find a few other treasures
and at 50% off , who can turn it down?

only cost us $1.25.
I found this, I think it's pewter, anyway it's heavy. We love candles and
this can be used without much worry if the electricity goes out.
Can you tell we like anything snowmen? This cute canning jar is painted
with a snowman scene and makes a cute center piece for our table. I
believe the final cost on this was $1
We also picked up a couple of patterns for winter theme/ Christmas
projects. This is a little patch I thought would work for one of the patterns
to make stockings( see below)
Remember you can click photo to see larger version. It looks as if both
patterns can make a variety of items. This was taken one morning before heading out to slop the pigs,
(pink bucket has hot mash for the pigs). Callie is drawn to sneaking a
drink from the water buckets. I guess she likes FRESH water, LOL!
WOW fantastic finds! You never know what you can find when you go on a treasure hunt for something else. Love the kitty pic...Have a Merry Christmas to you and the rest of your family.
I'd say you hit the jackpot! I guess there are a lot of us Snowman lover all over, I like them because they are so cute and will keep until it starts to warm up! Blessing to you and your family! time is getting close!
Merry Christmas!...debbie
You did find a good bargin. The cat picture was very cute.
Have a good Christmas.
Thrift stores are SO much fun! You've got some nice finds, congrats.
Happy Christmas and a new year's filled with health and happiness.
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