Wednesday, February 9, 2011

An update on Morningland Dairy's trial

Morningland Dairy update and the Un-cheese party is still going. Praying the judge makes a wise decision.


MarkD60 said...

Well, It seems like there needs to be more testing done. It seems like there is pretty flimsy evidence.

leschornmom said...

I read the article. I don't understand what the problem is. Aren't those same bacteria regularly found in larger cheese manufacturers?
Why does it matter anyway, and why were they under ivestigation if no one has ever gotten sick from their cheese? Was it just some kind of random thing or did someone complain?

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

This is purely a power play from the FDA, spurned on by industrial dairy.

If you look under Raw dairy on our tags list you should find the whole story( via several posts). Plain and simply it's the battle against raw dairy, via the FDA and it's backers( industrial dairies) There were no reported illnesses, and yet they've held these people's farm hostage for 6+ months, treating them like criminals. I feel that if we don't help these people, that will only boost the control that government( via FDA and USDA) has over what we can and can't choose to eat( our God given right). With the Food Safety act passed, this could be pushed as far as stopping people from growing their own foods( home gardens). Big industrial farms and Big Pharma want to stop free market, in other words want total control over our foods and herbal, natural rememdies and vitamins, with Monsanto sitting on the thrown like a king.
Thanks for asking and I hope you'll look at our tags to find the articles I posted several months back.

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