Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Dervaes Family Trademarks "Urban Homesteading"

Just saw this over on a forum I read from time to time, so much for; "Path to FREEDOM!" Please take a gander at the article below, you'll see what I mean.

I really was NOT caught up in a hype over the Dervaes" Family", but it just goes to show you their true colors( "green", and it's ALL about money, not teaching about a healthier lifestyle) These sort of people truly make me ill! 

Plus how ridiculous that these trademarks are even allowed, sort of reminds me of the McDonald's "million dollar coffee lawsuit"  Geeeesh!


Mama Mess said...

Whhaaahahahaha! Good gracious........see there are loons in every lifestyle, and this is the proof. Trademarked indeed.......I agree with you, people like this make me SICK!

Rivenfae said...

Thanks Kelle for posting this I have posted it everywhere I can, and thanked you for it on my blog. It's utterly ridiculous that someone can trademark this term...

Rivenfae said...

here is another link about -ALL- THEIR PHRASES

Rivenfae said...

Form letter to send to trademark office:

To Whom it may concern,

I as a member of the public, would like to know why a couple of generic terms have been trademarked. The terms are:

“Urban Homestead”, and “Urban Homesteading” (trademarked by the Dervaes Family)

If you search the web or contact homesteaders and homesteading magazines they will inform you as to how long the term has been in use by the public. One news article has listed the google search on “urban homestead” came up with 343,000 items .

Article on web here:

Can you please send me a reply email informing me of what reason this generic term has been trademarked, as a great many people are asking the same question.


Tracy said...

I don't get it. I just don't understand their reasoning. I agree that it comes down to dollars and cents...but it just doesn't make sense at all.

Tonia said...

Okay that is just ridiculous! Like Goodwife said there are Crazies in every lifestyle...
They definitely show their true colors...

-Heidi said...


Thanks for posting this!


Tractor Mom said...

As if the trademakering did not show their true colors, I went to their blog and noticed something. They stated at the top of one page that they were an "advertising free" blog...well, if you scroll down the page you will see 2 different ads for other companies!! These people are the true models of how to put your feet in your mouth...

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