Saturday, May 26, 2012

MT weather, it changes quick!

What a Blessing indeed! It's rained steady since night before last and last night guess what else showed up?.............. Yep SNOW!

 Oh well my stuff in the greenhouse is covered with floating row covers and the stuff in the garden is all cold weather crops so no worries and besides it's time released moisture*wink* This is why knowing how Montana weather acts that we've held off planting the tomatoes, peppers, okra and some of the seed crops. Our last freeze date for our zone is May 29th. Never a boring moment in Montana, that's for sure! LOL!!   Our pastures should green up real quick once we warm up again. Our overnight temp was 31F, yes chilly enough we had a fire in the ole' wood cookstove to take off the chill and again this morning.

Heading to the city to pick up our grandkids for an overnight visit, we'll have to play indoors because everything is VERY muddy, but I'm not complaining at all. :o)

It was funny to see the reaction of the animals this morning it went something like this; Hoss( our steer) was bellering, the goats looked totally discussed and wanted to be fed in their barn, the meat chicks hit the door and skidded to a stop, saying What the heck is that stuff?, the laying hens and turkey refused to step outside their coop, the barn cats just wanted food, for energy since they've long since shedded their winter coats and promptly headed back to the barn to sleep on their full stomaches in the hay all huddled together. Two of our dogs ran out as if they were kids and the newest dog( our rescued mutt) tip toed around like he didn't want to get his feet wet, LOL!!!  Animals are so much fun, especially if you take the time to see they all have their own personalities :o)

Enjoy your holiday weekend everyone.


Lois Evensen said...

Your snow is pretty, but I sure am glad it is gone here. :)

icebear said...

Eep! Snow, yikes. Our last frost date is within days of yours, but its been such a warm spring i planted tomatoes 2 days ahead. Our forecast is much more stable than yours apparently was. I probably could have planted 3 weeks ago, but i kept my head and relied on history holding back.

You are lucky you have a greenhouse.

sista said...

And I thought our weather was fickle here in the Northwest.

Rivenfae said...

Hey Kelle can you send some of that moisture my way we re dry s a bone...

Anonymous said...

Snow? oh my!! lol. I guess you do have a slow start to spring/summer there!! I imagine I'd be shocked!! lol ...glad to hear from you! it's been too long....debbie

Tonia said...

AHHHHHHH Noo.. I would never survive!.. We need moisture very much here though. Its really dry and we are already 5 inches behind in rain..

small farm girl said...

I'm reading this and it is 90 degrees here and humid. I think I just mite trade ya. lol

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