Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Uggggh, Winter just keeps dancing

 We knew it was coming, so no surprise and although the moisture is a blessing, I'm certainly sick of this!
Good thing about metal roofs, the snow doesn't stay on long, just be sure your not under it when it comes sliding off *wink*   It's supposed to stop snowing this afternoon and begin rising in temperature  tomorrow, with chances of snow and rain everyday until early next week.  I'm sure glad we got composted manure spread and some tilling done before all of this. At least the areas we need to plant(salad greens, potatoes, onions and root crops) first are ready. :o)
 Okay the egg on the left is a turkey egg, normally larger than a chicken egg by  25+%. Cortney comes in with this chicken egg the other day( on the right) and it's larger than the turkey egg. We broke it and it was a double yolk, both yolks HUGE!  Poor hen that laid this monster, but no tell tale signs in any of the hens( we looked) and the egg didn't even have blood on it, Whew!

Chicken eggs is on top, you can see it is larger than the turkey egg.   BTW, PTL! we have a turkey hen setting on 35 eggs. Her hatch date should begin May 14th and my guess is the other two hens will join her in setting( they always do*sigh*)  Some chicken hens are beginning to show signs of becoming broody, so we'll let a couple set again this year.   Our Freedom Rangers are growing by leaps and bounds, right now they are at the scruffy stage, with pin feathers and gawky looks, LOL!!!   I'll get some photos ASAP, thankfully we got them settled in the brooder coop before all this weather hit. We're still running a heat lamp, but not for much longer, once they have their feathers all in off it goes. 

My back has been giving me fits*sigh*. I woke Sat. morning and almost couldn't climb out of bed, I don't recall doing anything that would have aggravated it to this degree. It's not been this bad in over a year, I deal with pain daily but this was a full fledged hit on the sciatica and my right leg was painful as well as tingly( if that makes sense?)  I've been taking Arnica MT and Rhus. Toxicodenron and it has improved from a 9 on a scale of 1-10 to a 3 today.  I sure don't need this with gardening season coming on and our memberships sold for our CSA garden. Praying it was just a fluke and I slept wrong or something.

Blessings for your week, we're looking forward to sunshine :o)


Jane said...

You can have our sunshine,with sunshine comes tornadoes and I can do without that !!! We have been doing somw planting between the storms. I know you are sick of snow, I would be too. Blessings jane

Jamie said...

Hey Kelle~I would love to have some turkeys,we just need to figure out if we all do!Did you see the egg that we got from our hen??If not,you have to show Courtney.

Lois Evensen said...

Wow, that turkey egg would make a heck of an omlette! I hope your snow is gone soon. It sure is nice to smell the warm soil and see the flowers of Spring.

I understand back and neck problems. It's a constant fight here with sleeping the right way and being very careful or I pay the price in pain.

Gingerbreadshouse7 said...

I feel your same back and leg pain! I had surgery a couple of years ago and have 3 screws in my back..sometimes pain just starts up without anything causing it...I found that Aleve helps me all day once it kicks in..For now it's the right knee all the way up to the groin, ugh :o(

Farmgirl Cyn said...

Winter has reared it's ugly head here, also. Snow yesterday and freezing bits of drizzle today. Trying to stay positive in very un-positive times....

cathy@home said...

Winter does not want to leave you there. wow,I can't believe how long your winters are hope it warms up soon.

Leigh said...

Wish I could send you some of our lovely mild weather. And relief for your back! Congrats on the setting turkey hen! That is exciting news. May every egg hatch!

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Whaaaat? That's a LOT of snow, we've had flurries but nothing like actual snow.
Don't forget hot Epsom salt baths; it helps draw the...not poisons perxactly, but...can't think of the word. Anyway, it will help your poor aching back. Glad the meds are helping and don't forget a pillow under your knees at night; that will help alleviate the tension stress.
You're in my prayers.

Rivenfae said...

Hey Kelle... you can have our heat... 82 in mid-April yuck!

BTW.. what kind of Turkey is doing the setting? my neighbor said standard turkeys are pointless to breed and I'm hoping to get some heritages next year.. till then I've got my 2 bronzes.

Modern Day Redneck said...

I will pipe in and brag a little. 92 degrees today but windy. We are getting our first tomatoes on the vine and harvested our first batch of lettuce last night. We do need rain. I am afraid this summer will be one for the record books.
We are praying you get to not hurting anymore. There is to much to do to be laying around hurtin all the time. Blessings back to you.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Me too! I'd just as soon not see white stuff again until next Nov.*wink* Of course that is just my wish, LOL!!!

You had a BIG ole egg too, how funny. We've had double yolers and even a triple yolker but never so large, LOL!

Actually our spoiled dogs got to split this on the dinner*wink*
Sorry to hear you too have back and neck issues, it does get tiresome doesn't it? I get all worked up because my issues were the result of being hit by a drunk driver 9 yrs ago. Praying your back and neck stay healthy for you.

Gingerbread house,
I'm told surgery is inevidable, but to try to hold off as long as possible. I was feeling so blessed that it hadn't acted up like this for a year or so, then BAM! I'm praying it is a fluke deal :o) Not that it will ever be 100% but I can deal with the day to day low grade pain, it's these sort of rough moments that I struggle with and it isn't due to the pain, it's due to not being able to do the things I want or need to do. *sigh*

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Farmgirl Cyn,
Praying for the same attitude, thanks for the reminder*wink* Glad to see you posting again on a regular basis, we missed you :o)

I really don't consider it winter, just a cold Spring*wink* Winter in MT is sub zero temps with winchills that blow right through you, LOL!

Thank you for your prayers for my back issues. I also pray all of our turkey eggs hatch and most of all that they ALL survive, now that would be a miracle*wink* If we get 10+ to live that will be a blessing indeed.

Thistle cove,
Thank you for your prayers, they are of comfort and for your advice, the pillow trick actually doesn't work for me, but makes it worse. I'll try Epsom salt in my bath tonight, don't know why I didn't think of that, thansk again :o)

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

The turkey hen setting is a heritage breed, Narragansett. We have two Narragensett hens and a tom and them we also have Burbon Red Tom and an older( 6 yrs old) bronze hen, we're looking for a burbon hen for our tom and the bronze hen will live out her days here( she's become a pet, along with our Giant White tom, who BTW is 9 yrs old and weighs 50+lbs*wink*)

Man, you really know how to rub my blonde hair against the grain*wink* Last summer we only had a handful of days into the 90's, the rest of the summer was all 80's and 70's. Sure hope that isn't the case again, everything grew so slowly*sigh*
Thanks for your prayers, trouble is hurting or not I still keep going, that's just me. Mike gets so upset because I won't take a few days off, I told him I'll have plenty of time to rest in heaven*wink* Seriously we do take time off from time to time, I'm really not a slave driver, really, LOL!!!

Cindy said...

We got some snow the other day, too! It was very depressing! Last year I had my garden planted by this time. Well, then it got cold and I learned about planting too early. I re-planted everything in late May! This year I know better! (That and the snow is a clue not to plant yet!)

Sounds like your back is a big problem. I use the Therma-Care heat wraps. I wear one at night when I am miserable and can actually sleep most of the night and wake up with no pain. You might try them. They are often on sale at Walgreens.

small farm girl said...

You can have some of our rain. We are swamped here! I hope your back gets better. I know how that can be.

Kat said...

I am going to send good, warm weather vibes your way! I wish I could have ate that double yolker!!!

Mr. H. said...

It has been hailing and snowing in our neck of the woods too, but nothing like you recieved...looks like you got a good 4" or more. Too bad about your back, hope you feel better soon.

MarkD60 said...

Winter keeps going till Easter.
Hope the snow doesn't hurt your sprouts!

Buttons Thoughts said...

Wow I love the photos not to fond of the white stuff though. Spring is coming it is going to rain here everyday this week. B

Ohiofarmgirl said...

hey baby! just popping in to see how you are doing? up and around? have a great Easter!

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