Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank you for your years of service and sacrifice in protecting the USA

Today is one of the most important holidays on the calendar, IMHO. Please take the time to shake the hand of a veteran. Tell them what their service, to protect our freedom means to you.

Some of the local area restaurants are honoring our veterans with a free lunch. It makes me proud to see people are giving veterans the respect due them, they certainly have earned it.

Thank you for your years of service and sacrifice in protecting the United States of America!


Faith said...

A day of tribute, to our heroes! Thank you to all.


Carol............. said...

We just can't thank them enough for their service. I personally thank each individual that I see in makes ME feel good to be able to say thank you.

Thanks for your post.

Anonymous said...

I'm so grateful to the service members. My family has several and we know what a sacrifice it is that they willingly make to go abroad or at home and serve our country.

Beth said...

Yoooohooooo!!! Anybody home??? Knock, knock????

Just checking on you.


Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Hey, Beth thanks for missing and checking up on us! I did post one, we just missed each other by minutes! *wink*

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