Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Found: Laziness, on The Never Done Farm, guess who????

Cortney's cat, Callie,lazily enjoying the sauna, hot house.
I open the door to let some heat escape and when I returned
20 or so minutes later, look who found her way in!

Mike tilled up the right of way for me. Actually I tilled it, if one
were to refer to it as tilling. It was more of a rodeo ride.My idea
of what it feels like riding a bull and yes it did turn and come for
me, tines down and looking mean!*wink* I did loose control
several times when it hit big rocks. My tilling broke the sod, but
I just couldn't hold it in place long enough to turn the soil a bit *sigh*
I've paid the price in full, two sleepless nights due to my back and
hip pain. Mike was very upset that I even did as much as I did,
knowing it would cause trouble with my back. So bless his heart
he fired up the tiller while Cortney and I were cleaning barns and
RODEO'd, but I flashed him a score of 9.9 *wink*, as he held it
and got it tilled down 3-4 inches deep, which is plenty for
our wild flower seed to take root in.

While Mike was still tilling, Cortney donned on her grooming cape

(a nylon zipper front shirt), because Mo sheds so much hair and it

sticks to everything except nylon or a like, slick fabric. She decided

enough is enough, you can't even pet him without ending up

covered in hair. She groomed him for an hour or so, picked

his hooves and then proceeded to get him saddled for a ride.

While she was riding and Mike still tilling, I quickly washed

breakfast dishes, wrung out a load of laundry and hung out,

started a new load of laundry and went to collect the seed

potatoes from the cellar and got started planting. We grow

two varieties of potato; Caribe( a purple skin and crisp, white

flesh) and a Russet( great baking spud and keeps well).

Both are wonderful keepers and therefore why we've

selected them for our garden. In all I planted 150+

(I lost count) hills, about half and half( possibly more Caribe)

Our neighbor came for a visit when I was planting spuds

Her Dh told her of our plans to spread wild flower seed in the

right of way and she asked if we'd like some beautiful poppies,

Irises, day lilies and a mountain bluebell to add to the wild

flower seed. Of course we graciously accepted her offer and

Cortney hauled totes over and helped her thin each variety out.

We planted each variety in it's chosen spot, watered in well with

several watering can of rain water.

When Mike finished tilling, he was off to his next project, loading

our hydraulic wood splitter, using his tractor, onto the back of

our flat bed pickup truck. He was hauling it up to the Coop

to change the oil, check the hydraulic oil, get a filter, etc...

Cortney wrung out the next load and hung to dry in the breeze.

It was a beautiful day and we accomplished much, what

a blessing.

Another lazy was found, Tuffy was playing supervisor while Mike

was tilling and Casino was sound asleep in the shade.


small farm girl said...

Your flowers are going to beautiful!  You'll have to take pics of them when they bloom.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

The Good Lord puts colors together much better than I would ever even imagine to. It's my prayer that they look beautiful. It looks like we're in for a rain storm of sorts, just in time to water in those precious seeds. I'll be sure to post pictures. It's funny to watch the people who drive by, they slow way down and look. We have to keep them on their toes, they just never know what we're up to* giggling*

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