Monday, May 18, 2009

Callie found a shady spot to rest. Our temp was as high as 96F today!
Quite a change from 50's and 60'sF, it caught everyone off guard.
The chickens enjoying some kitchen scraps in the shade.

Our two mamas, they had to set together. Each of them has 7 eggs,
we pray they all hatch.

Our lone turkey poult. We're praying the other three hens
setting have good hatches.

Here is a little better picture, it's still hard to see, good camouflage.
You can click on the photo to enlarge.
We're still planting the garden. Today we planted beets, mini pumpkins
and mapped out the rest of the garden and marked with wooden
Laundry was done today as well. We were blessed to be able to hang
out 6 loads, as each load dried quickly in our hot temps.
Bread was baked today as well. We bake 3 loaves every other week.
It seems we tend to consume more bread, via sandwiches, in the
summer months. So we'll most likely bake bread weekly from here
on out.


Faith said...

Whew that's warm this early. We are having a 'blackberry winter' here. Suddenly the night temps are very low. I am hoping we did not get frost in the low areas (where I put my garden!)

I think our gardens are about the same size. Same here, enough for us, enough for sharing with some elderly, and hopefully some to sell at the local market.


small farm girl said...

Love the baby turkey!! Hey, how about some of those bread recipes? I recieved your letter today! Exciting!!!

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