I'm not advocating one party or the other just wanted to share the truth about our current President's record. You must look at both sides to make up your own mind, but a lot of what Obama does is concealed and swept under the rug by the bias media. Please watch this video, at least you'll be better informed to the truth and actions of this administration.
Don't have to watch it....already voted to...want to make sure my husband doesn't lose his job so I want the next President to know how to rebuild our Country....it doesn't mean if Romney wins that it will be all roses...when we figure out our own budgets what do we do? We cut areas to improve our budgets....I have a feeling we won't know who is the next President for a while...Lisa
Not sure what your point is. The banking industry (among others) was deregulated during the Reagan administration and it has been down hill ever since. This whole subject is so big there is no way it can be discussed on a blog and a republican owned news video is probably not a great place to get information. You would do better digging out your own research from sources that don't have biases. Try a historical library.
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