Monday, March 1, 2010

"Organic" abuse, it's everywhere! This speaks for itself.


small farm girl said...

Kelle, I couldn't hear the video for your music on your blog. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I've seen this clip before. All the more reason to grow our own veggies! We need to have more control over the food that we're eating. Good post, thanks.

Barb said...

I saw the same video this weekend. I used to shop there before we bought our farm. Corporatism is everywhere unfortunately.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Sorry, just go to the bottom of our blog and click the stop button on the player, then listen to the video.

Mrs. T,
I'm sorry I was behind the times, and forget not all of this is entirely new info. I am however enjoying our broadband*wink*
I'm in 100% agreement with you in growing as much of our own food as humanly possible. That is one reason we eat seasonally, enjoying our canned and dehydrated produce throughout the winter, as well as rootcrops, squash, onions, garlic, and cabbage in the cellar. Late winter we start salad greens indoors and in Mid March get a coldframe up and going for cold weather crops. We're looking into a 16x20 greenhouse, to help extend our season and get an earlier start for our cold weather crops.

Steve and Barb,
Sadly it is everywhere, and just shows the lengths they'll go to, to make the almighty $$$

Blessings and productivity for your week, our weather is beautiful! Dug parsnip yesterday and will have them with carrots( steamed), porkchops and homestead potatoes/ onions and healthy protion of garlic.

Farmgirl Cyn said...

Well! It was new news to me! And tho I don't have a Whole Foods Market in this area, I sent the link to some friends that DO! The very fact that no one from Whole Foods would talk to the newscaster speaks volumes.

Rainy Day Farm said...

I agree with Mrs. T, that we need to grow as much as we can for ourselves.
We can't trust our government to take care of us, we need to take care of us.
Thanks for the video!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

I knew this sort of thing was going on, but so blantantly, it's maddening.

Agreed, that is why we have moved forward over 20 yrs in becoming as sufficient as possible. Now we're working on feed sufficiency for our animals and getting a 16x20 hoopehouse errected this season. Glad you dropped in, hope to see you back, BTW love your blog!
Blessings for your week,

Anonymous said...

Dear Kelle: I'm so sorry that my comment made you feel "behind the times" :-(( You are much farther ahead in this journey than I am, and you're such an inspiration to me
((hugs!)). Thank you for warning everyone with that video.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Mrs. T, Oh NO! I wasn't upset, only making fun of our just getting broadband and getting to see all the You Tube videos, which was impossible on dial up. I truly wasn't upset, I should have added LOL, then you'd have known I was joking. I have a pretty thick skin and I don't offend easily. I do however admit that I get on my soapbox*wink*

Blessing and "HUGS" right back,

Mia said...

Dear Ms. Kelle,
Thank you so much for this video!
It's "hot from the presses" news to me (lol) I'm so glad I learned about this now...I'm so motivated to grow my own!!
Great post!


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