Monday, January 11, 2010

Okay, even though we were careful about not over indulge on holiday treats, we did eat some and due to the weather and shorter days that has come to a halt. So... our activity levels are down too! We did add a few pounds back on*sigh*, but not to many, so with the weather warming up and daylight hours lengthening we'll begin our walking again. It's not that we NEED treats, it's more of a comfort because we eat such small amounts of prepackaged, processed foods. Yes,
we do still have times when we fall back and eat junk foods*sigh*, although over the years it has become less and less frequent. We even substitute our own version of junk food, still high in fat and carbohydrates,but far better than store bought with, GMO's, preservatives and dyes. Have you even made your own potato chips, how about donuts, or corn chips made from homemade corn tortilla shells? Once or twice a year( typically about the time we're rendering lard and at Christmas or New Years) we make homemade donuts. It's a special treat but we are well aware of the fat and calories, thus why it's only once or twice a year we enjoy this treat.

Here is a recipe for a healthy treat we enjoy from time to time, actually it's been a few years since we've made them. I originally got this recipe from an Amish cookbook.

Soft Pretzels

2pkg. yeast or 4-1/2 tsp

1-1/2 c. very warm water

1 tsp salt

2c. unbleached flour

2c. whole wheat flour( freshly ground is best)

Soda solution

1/2c.warm water

2tsp.baking soda


Dissolve yeast in warm water. Add salt and flour, mix and knead until smooth. Cover with a cloth, letting rise for 15 min. Divide dough into 16 equal portions, roll each piece into a log, thinning to lengthening to make desired size pretzel) Shape each piece. Dip into soda solution and sprinkle with salt. Bake at 450F for 15-20 minutes or until desired shade of golden brown.


I'll post pictures of our pretzels, hopefully before they disappear *wink*

May your day be filled with blessings and productivity.


Faith said...

Oh, I love hot fresh pretzels! Been so long since I made them.


Yeah, I packed on pounds as well. The house is so cold that all I seem to do is shiver and find myself eating to get warm. Terrible!

I'm looking forward to this weather break so I can adjust my current lifestyle.


Cheryl said...

I am definately going to give this recipe a try!

Anonymous said...

Bob would just love me to make some hot soft pretzels! He loves them. I think we all endulge a little more over the Holidays - But isn't that what Holidays are for? To have certain treats that you only have one time a year in celebration!! ...debbie

Judy T said...

Oooo, we were talking just the other day about making soft pretzels. I know I have a recipe somewhere but hadn't taken the time to look for it. Now I don't have to- thanks.

small farm girl said...

Kelle, I think we all have packed on a few pounds this winter. And since you posted that wonderful sounding recipe for pretzels, I'll probably pack on some more. lol

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